
Become a Member of The Northwood Crankpullers

We have a number of ways to join our club.

1. Visit one of our three registered membership agents shown below
You can sign up for membership when you register your sled... a great way to support local business!

2. EMAIL our Membership Chairmain Tom Johnson at tomjohnsonnorthwood@gmail.com
Please send your name, email address and a contact phone number. Tom will contact you with instructions on where to mail the $35. Your sled registration voucher will be emailed to you. View, print and mail our Member Application Form or go to Paypal and send to webmaster@northwoodcrankpullers.com Use your credit card to pay the Club’s $25 membership plus the NHSA Voucher fee of $10. While there, feel free to add more $$ as a Club Grooming donation!!

3. Join the Northwood Crank Pullers via the NHSA website
Create an account onine or login with your existing account. Once logged in, you will be asked for basic personal information. Once your account is set up, return to the NHSA homepage. Scroll through the list of clubs and you will find our club listed under "Rockingham County". Select our "Northwood Crankpullers" (along with any other clubs that you wish to join and/or support). Click the "Cart" icon to check out and add any additional donations that you would like to make-- an invoice and membership voucher will be emailed to you automatically.

Benefits of Membership:
• Subscription to NHSA Sno Traveler magazine

• Discount voucher for snowmobile registration

• Club insurance coverage during sanctioned trail work parties and events

• Eligibility to become a certified groomer/operator to help groom our trails!

• Recieve club newsletters and trail reports

• Show your support for snowmobiling in northern Rockingham County

• Thanks for your support--
We could not keep our efforts to sustain and maintain snowmobiling without the support of our members!

Please Visit Our Sponsors: